Drag City Records
[Due to Drag City's staff request, links to all of their albums previously posted were removed]
Drag City,
I understand you as an incorporation, so I promptly removed all albums as kindly asked. Nevertheless, I cannot leave it without stating that, specially in foreign countries, sharing your music is, at worse, profitable; maybe the only option for actually getting to know your music - and that applies to mp3 sharing per se.
Music sharing is intended to be for purposes of acknowledging new music and eventually acquiring it, in a sense of collectionable items. I have several Dragcity albums myself, considering that in Brazil an import album costs, relatively, almost three times more to avarage costumers then in your USDollar based market.
This unfortunate inconvenience, specially considered my incredible admiration to Drag City, is obviously displeasing. All arguments lead to conclude the clear purpose of this blog on sincere music exchange between (your) music fans.
Best regards,